The deleted concept

Welcome Monday 7th of August!
The exhibition is open from,
and there will be a screening of “The deleted concept” at 1pm in the company of one of the films contributors, forest ingeneer Martin Jentzen, who will tell us about his work with natural forests and sustainable forestry.
The deleted concept is a film by Ilona Huss Walin and Ambjörn Göransson in cooperation with forestry ingeneer Martin Jentzen.
The film is a documentary about the spontaneous development of forests and close-to-nature forestry, in which humanity is seen as an integral part of nature, rather than its overarching subject. With the help of some notable pointers for seeing how forests grow, possibilities for a changed understanding of forests and forestry are presented. “The forest doesn`t make mistakes”. By letting naturally sown trees grow and thrive and cutting down large and profitable ones, the forests’ own processes can shape future forests, rather than human decisions. The film shows forests of various origins where close-to-nature forestry is used in contrast with conventionally cultivated forests. While forestry methods have been under intense discussion in recent years, the close-to-nature approach has lately become even more topical since the Swedish government tried to exclude it from the guidelines for sustainable investments in the European Union, favoring conventional forestry. Mixing informational and art film genres, this film portrays the forest and the (actual) peripheral role of humanity within it.
Martin Jentzen is a forest engineer who, after working in forest industry companies for many years, left the more conventional forestry to work with a more sustainable,close to nature,forestry. This means respecting and study the forest’s own inherent processes.
Ilona Huss Walin is a visual artist from Gothenburg. For more than twenty years, she has worked with video, installation and performance. She has participated in many exhibitions, especially in the Nordics. For the past seven years, she has approached nature in environmental matters. An important part of her work is about creating in collaboration with others. She is educated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen and at Konsthögskolan Valand in Gothenburg.
Ambjörn Göransson is a filmmaker from Gothenburg who has made several short documentaries and video installations. He is a member of the art and music collective Den Svenska Björnstammen/the Swedish bear population. He has studied film production at Valand academy of art/Gothenburg